Posted by: heartfull | December 16, 2009


I asked Chip for a bite of his free-from-the-grocery-store cookie.  Usually that results in a crumb being handed my way.  This time, he gave me a pretty good-sized chunk.  Enough to even taste the cookie.

Me:  Wow, that was a big piece of cookie, Chip.  Thanks!

Chip:  A big piece for a big person!

Me:  Ha, yeah, well, thanks.  Yep, mom is bigger than you and I do need big bites of your cookie…

Chip:  (with a very sly grin) Apparently a little bigger than Emmy, too.

And I laughed and laughed.  Emmy, the 20-something nanny who wears a size extra-small and sports a bikini at the pool is, apparently, so much smaller that even my 4 year old notices.   Luckily I’m not terribly sensative.  How can you be with a four year old around to keep your head out of the sand?

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