Posted by: heartfull | October 19, 2007

The case of the Missing Tooth

Did I say she lost her second tooth?  John called me at work this morning and asked me if MG had lost 2 or 3 teeth.  “Two!” I said with confidence.  Her two bottom, middle teeth.  He then told me she is missing one on top, kind of in the rear.  MG got on the phone and was very excited.  I told her we would write a note to the tooth fairy tonight.  She ended the conversation by telling me “I think I know when I have lost a tooth, mom!


Lets just say that secretly loosing teeth  is so typical of MG.

In other news, I did not work on the costumes last night.   Hopefully I can get over to the store today to get that new needle.

I found “spider” pajamas on sale at Gymboree for C.  They’ll look cute with a black cape, which I’ll make out of that left over lining from MG’s costume.  I spent more than I usually do on PJs, but they are cute and he’ll wear them all winter – though I wish they had had them in a 3T so I could get two years worth out of them.

And yes, I’ll be posting pictures when they are done.

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